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logo PixieLib.NET 7.1 MFC Class Library

PixieLib.NET C++ Class Library for MFC by Paul DiLascia

The current version of PixieLib is: 7.1.1

PixieLib is a library of C++ classes, functions and debugging tools that extend MFC. Much of PixieLib was first published in my columns and articles in MSDN Magazine, but I've expanded and enhanced it, and combined all the code into a single library you can link with your app. Version 7.1 compiles with Visual Studio.NET 7.1.

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Screen shot of CoolEdit sample application.

Here are some of the classes you get in PixieLib.NET:

  • CWinMgr does automatic rule-based window resizing. This is really cool!
  • CRegex makes ATL regular expressions easy!
  • CRegexForm lets you do regex-based form validation in MFC dialogs.
  • CPictureCtrl to display JPG, GIF, TIF and other image formats in a dialog or window.
  • CFolderTabCtrl to implement Excel-style folder tabs.
  • CHtmlCtrl converts MFC's CHtmlView into a control you can use in any window without frame/view.
  • CStaticLink to put hyperlinks to any URL in your dialogs--works in .NET too!
  • CMenuTipManager automatically adds tooltips to your menus.
  • CSplash for implementing JPG, GIF or BMP splash screens.
  • CCoolBar to wrap the common rebar control.
  • CCoolMenuManager to implement menus with bitmap buttons.
  • CMenuBar for implementing "cool" style menu bars.
  • CModuleVersion for reading the module version of any EXE or DLL.
  • CWebVersion to read the current version of your program from the web.
  • CTrayIcon to implement your own tray icons.
  • CCaptionPainter for painting custom captions, like the shaded captions in Office 95 programs.
  • CSubclassWnd lets you subclass MFC window classes without deriving.
  • CDragDropMgr for implementing drag-drop among windows within your app.
  • Debugging tools, including indented call-stack TRACE and per-class diagnostics.
  • TraceWin source code!
  • More!
Screen shot of ImgView sample application.